Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Fantasy Doors and Windows

As a terrain maker, I came to need many doors and windows to suit my terrain buildings. Everytime in the past, I sculpted those things, and used the originals. After hundreds of times doing so, I came to be really bored of this time wasting habbit. So we decided to do some molds to copy our originals. Here are some products of those molds. The following are made for fantasy buildings. Their scale is for 28-30mm miniatures. 
Closed Window 1
 Small Door 1
 Big Door 1
 Open Window 1

Simple Trays

So here we are showing you a simple-textured tray. It' s slot depth, is same as the height of the WHFB bases, so that your bases will suit. It is meant to be made, so that you will texture it, yourselves, in the same way you texture your bases. Not sure if there is a meaning in showing all of the "numbers"  (5x2, 10x3, 6x5 e.t.c.) but I can assure you, we've made every number a player will need. 
The following one is a 20mm tray, with 5 bases face, 2 depth. 

Skirmish Trays

Here are some skirmish trays to use on WHFB. All of them are made to suit the stonework themed bases we made. We are about to create a full range of trays skirmish and simple ones. We will update whenever we create a new one. Molds for the shown trays are already made, so feel free to ask for them. 
20mm skirmish trays 2 slots with bases on.
 20mm skirmish trays 2 slots
 25mm skirmish trays 2 slots
20mm skirmish trays 3 slots with bases on 
 20mm skirmish trays 3 slots
 25mm skirmish trays 3 slots

So we start

And so we start this blog of ours. I hope you will find what we do nice. We are willing to see you comment on our posts, so that we know your opinion. 

Have fun!