Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Our Studio

So here are some pictures from our studio. It is always on a WiP mode, since we always find a new need or something that would help us more during our working hours.

This is our painting desk where Yria paints her miniatures, on. Around it, Are all her tools, paints, airbrushes e.t.c., in a way she can reach everything without having to move.

Then There is Ogyon's desk. Here he builds his terrain, makes his silicone molds, casts his resin parts, models the miniatures as well as helps with painting when Yria is in a hurry.

You can't see in the pictures, but there is a huge closet with all our bits and miniatures in, as well as there as many drawers, where we puts our tools, basing materials, terrain materials e.t.c. 
Then here are both our aircompressors. The first one is the little one, with 5lt tank, used by Yria for airbrushing only and the second one is the big one, with 20lt tank, used by Ogyon to cast resin and for airbrushing too.  I 'll give some info on how to make one of those on your own, soon. 


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